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38.镇江焦山大水 Meeting the Venerable Master Ta Shui of Chiao Shan Mountain on the Chen River
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Meeting the Venerable Master Ta Shui of Chiao Shan Mountain on the Chen River

Chiao Mountain is situated in the midst of the flowing rapids of the Chen River and has the shape of a large crouching lion. The Hui Chu (Abiding Wisdom) Dhyana Monastery is located on the mountain. Its Abbot was the Venerable Ta Shui (Great Waters) who was an eminent Sangha member of that era and one who had attained the Way. When the Master Yun was forty years of age. he arrived there to draw near to the Venerable Master, At that time. P'eng Yu Lin (a director of the palace police force in the Ch' ing Dynasty) was staying at the monastery and requested the Master Yun to speak the Dharma. P'eng was deeply respectful and sincere.

The verse says:
Of Chiao Mountain on the Chen River, the Venerable Master Ta Shui,
And the Hui Chu Dhyana Monastery, everyone far and wide has heard.
A Dharma Protecting military general paid reverence to the Triple Jewel.
Affinities with the Master's teaching broke his obstructive attachments.

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上一篇:39.金山江天禅寺 Arriving at Gold Mountains Chiang Tien Dhyana Monastery
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