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40.扬州高旻寺跑香 Walking and sitting meditation at Kao Min Monastery in Yang Chou
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Walking and sitting meditation at Kao Min Monastery in Yang Chou

Kao Mm Monastery, at San Che (Three Creeks) River, was a Bodhimanda at which Ch'an meditation was exclusively practiced. The majority of experts in this field have emerged from this "foundry." The regulations were strictly adhered to there, making dragons coil up and tigers lie down. Although the members of the vast assembly numbered several hundred, never was the slightest stray voice or sound to be heard. It was a pure Aranya in every respect. In the year 1882, the Master came here to participate and bowed to the Venerable Master Lang Hui (Dazzling Brilliance). Because he vigorously cultivated still contemplation, he made progress and gained skill.

The verse says:
"Rousing one's essential energies" refers to the ascetic practices.
Not giving up day and night is just the Mahayana.
Within the Prajna Wisdom Hall, contemplate sovereignty.
And at the Buddha Selection Field, see who is successful.

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上一篇:41.发大愿朝清凉山 Making serious vows to go on a pilgrimage to Ching Liang Mountain bowing once every three steps
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