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49.过黄河遇白雪 Crossing the Yellow River and encountering snow
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Crossing the Yellow River and encountering snow

On the second day of the month, the Master crossed the Yellow River and upon arriving at the other shore, he realized night was falling fast. Having no place to sleep, he was compelled to pull up into full-lotus posture in a small thatched lean-to he found near the river bank. There he waited for morning, trembling and shivering through the still, cold night. As it grew light, everywhere he looked he saw vast drifts of sparkling snow, which transformed the countryside into a silvery world. Realizing that its depth would prevent him from keeping his bearings, he knew there was no way to get through it. So the Master sat quite still and recited the Buddha's name.

The verse says:
At the Yellow River he met a blizzard and stayed in an open straw hut.
Assuming full-lotus, he regarded the mind; the bitter cold attacked him.
Silvery snow was whirling and swirling, enveloping the world.
Although he was a person, he had no self at all.

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上一篇:50.忍冻饿感文吉 His enduring of cold and hunger prompts the appearance of Wen Chi
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