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59.黄沙岭古庙重病 Becoming stricken with illness at an ancient temple on Huang Sha Ling Mountain
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Becoming stricken with illness at an ancient temple on Huang Sha Ling Mountain

The Master reached Huang Sha Ling on the thirteenth. On the mountaintop, he found the ruins of an ancient temple, which offered no shelter because the roof was broken. Since he could no longer walk, the Master stopped here. He had not been eating but defecated frequently. Because he was totally devoid of strength to get up and leave that deserted area, the Master closed his eyes and waited for death to come. He did not regret any of his actions. One can see quite clearly that during his whole life, his best efforts never subsided. He was able to accomplish difficult tasks because his vows were solid and firm.

The verse says:
Although he was sick, he forced himself to continue making prostrations.
He lay down on the straw and tasted bile like the King of Yueh.
Closing his eyes, he waited for death, having truly put it all down.
With no regrets for the vows he had made, he remained in the vastness of peace.

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