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90.天柱峰礼楞严塔 Bowing to the Shurangama Stupa on the Tien Chu Summit
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Bowing to the Shurangama Stupa on the T'ien Chu summit

The Master once again set out to pay his respects to various holy sites. He went to the T'ien Chu Summit, the highest point of the entire mountain. It was a thirty li walk from the foot of the mountain to the top, where the Shurangama Stupa as well as copper shrine were located. It had been recorded that at one time, there were three hundred sixty temples and seventy-two larger monasteries in the mountain. By the time the Master visited, there were not even ten monasteries remaining. It had been degenerated to the point that monks were no different form laymen, and the ownership rights to the monasteries were dominated by nepotism. The Master sighed, as he wished to restore the monasteries to their former greatness.

The verse says:
The Shurangama Stupa can be found upon the T'ien Chu summit,
And the angular peak of Chi Tsu Mountain reaches up into space.
Suddenly recalling the flourishing past in light of the present decay.
The Master stood and silently wished to restore the former grandeur.

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上一篇:91.高鼎寺仙兰放香 Perceiving magic orchids emitting fragrance at Kao Ting Monastery
下一篇:89.鸡足山拜迦叶 Bowing to Mahakasyapa in Chi Tsu Mountain
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 心经白话解 经文正解(一)[栏目:心经白话解]
 阿弥陀经疏钞演义 第一六五集[栏目:阿弥陀经疏钞讲记·净空法师]



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