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102.洞澈内外光明 Being permeated by light inside and out
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Being permeated by light inside and out

His numerous thoughts had suddenly ceased, and the Master's spiritual skill began to develop. When walking, he felt as if he were flying; night and day had merged into one. After meditating one evening, the master opened his eyes, and suddenly, everything both inside and out the monastery walls was penetrated with the brilliance of daylight. He was able to see the Verger urinating outside and the guest monks in the washroom. Off in the distance were the boats plying on the river, and he could see the trees on both banks, among many other things; all with perfect clarity.

The verse says:
Nothing, nothing and nothing again-still, lucid and empty.
But the emptiness lacks that which is emptied; in and out are the same.
If you wish to know this true bit of news, cultivators of the way,
Direct your efforts toward one single goal, and after death, come alive again.

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