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118.离北京赴长安 Leaving Peking and heading toward Chang An
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Leaving Peking and heading towards Ch'ang An

Day and night, the forced march continued, despite the many difficulties and bitter sufferings. As they reached Fu P'ing County, the soldiers of Governor Ts'en Ch'un Hsuan of Kansu Province could be heard approaching to accompany the Monarch. They escorted their majesties past the Great Wall. After entering Yen Men (Wild Geese) Pass, Shanhsi Province, the Emperor met a one-hundred-twenty-four-year-old monk in Yun Men (Cloud Gate) Monastery, upon whom he bestowed some fine yellow robe-cloth. He also ordered the construction of an arch. The western march continued, and upon reaching P'ing Yang, they found that famine was widespread.

The gatha says:
If a single leader enjoys good fortune, all the people can rely on him.
The common people were not at fault, but still were suffering severely.
When their majesties fled to the west, they themselves experienced
The serious famine which prevailed - it was just too pitiful!

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上一篇:119.祈甘露雨息灾 Praying for the sweet dew of rain to avert disaster
下一篇:117.回城南龙泉寺住 Returning to Cheng Nan and staying at Lung Chuan Monastery
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