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144.奉龙藏回国寺 Taking the Imperial Tripitaka back to National Temple
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Taking the Imperial Tripitaka back to the National Temple

In 1909, the Master's seventieth year, he traveled with the Imperial Tripitaka from Penang to Rangoon where he was received by Upasaka Kao Wan Pang at his home. The Master stayed there for over a month, and then was escorted by Upasaka Kao to Mandalay, where the latter donated a reclining jade Buddha. At Hsin Chieh, the Master enshrined the statue at Kuan Yin Pavilion, and later hired more than three hundred pack horses to carry the Tripitaka. along with men to lead them. Passing through T'eng Yueh and Hsia Kuan, and at each place along the way, there were people to welcome and escort the caravan, which consisted of about a thousand men and horses. They traveled for several weeks, and their journey was very peaceful.

The gatha says:
The Dharma protector from Rangoon, layman Kao Wan Pang,
Donated both his wealth and efforts - how rare a man was this!
Alas that in this sad Dharma-Ending Age, people have many obstructions.
You could not find another man like Kao.

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