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152.数语化凶为吉 Changing misfortune to auspiciousness with a few words
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Changing misfortune to auspiciousness with a few words

The Provincial Commander stationed his troops at Hsi Tan Monastery. They proceeded to destroy the copper image of the Great King on Gold Peak of Chicken Foot Mountain, as well as the Buddhahall and other shrines. The Master urgently descended the mountain, and guards who recognized him urged him to go no further, but to quickly flee while he could. The Master entered anyway, and saw Commander Li with Chao Fan and greeted them. Li wrathfully asked, "What good is Buddhism? What benefit does it give?" The Master calmly answered, "The Sage established the Teachings to save the world and benefit the people by its primary principle of exhorting them to do good and turn away from evil. From ancient times, the government and the teachings have complemented each other in function, the former to set in order the masses, and the latter to transform them. Buddhism teaches people how to effectively govern their minds, which is the basis of the ten thousand things. If the foundation is properly ordered, the ten thousand things will be at ease, and there will be peace under heaven." At this, Li's fierce anger ebbed, as he held out a hand to the Buddha image.

It was said:
He changed misfortune to auspiciousness.

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