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155.夜受教日自新 Having received the teaching in the evening, the commander renewed himself the next day
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Having received the teaching in the evening, the commander renewed himself the next day

Li begged the Master to stay for a vegetarian meal. A candle was lit and the discussion turned to such topics as the clear discernment of cause and effect, the intricate weave of the net of karma, karmic retribution, causes and conditions, and the continuity of the world and living beings. The conversation was pleasant and the principles profound. Li's words revealed his gentle courtesy toward the Master, and his manner reflected great reverence for him. Suddenly, Li sighed deeply and said, "The Buddhadharma is extensive indeed, but I have killed Sangha members and ruined monasteries - my karma surely is heavy. What can I do about it?"

The gatha says:
The Master said it was due to the influence of these present times,
But if he ardently protected the Dharma, his merit would be great.
Commander Li was very happy, relying on the Teachings.
Together with the monks, eating pure food, he joined them in the ceremonies.

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上一篇:156.忏悔皈依三宝 Helping the commander repent and take refuge with the Triple Jewel
下一篇:154.聆教肃立敬礼 Moving the commander, who, upon hearing the teachings, stood in awe and bowed
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 四分律 第四分[栏目:四分律·白话文]



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