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158.八哥鸟念弥陀 Liberating a mynah that recited Amitabha
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Liberating a mynah that recited Amitabha

In 1912, when the Master was seventy-three years old, after returning to Yunnan Province, he began to set up branches of the Buddhist Association. At Wen Chang Hall, he convened a large meeting, at which he asked Dharma Master Liao Ch'en (Ending the Dust) to establish a branch in Kueichow Province. A large number of Tibetan Lamas took part, and it was decided to organize Buddhist schools, groups for spreading the Dharma, and hospitals, among other means of performing philanthropic works. Someone donated a mynah bird, which was to be set free. The bird could talk, and at first ate f1esh; but after receiving the Refuges, it learned to recite the Buddha's name, and became a vegetarian. One day, it was seized and carried off by an eagle.

The gatha says:
Carried off, flying through the air, it still recited the Buddha's name.
At the end of this retribution body, it was born in Ultimate Bliss.
If people are the magic essence of the ten thousand things,
Then how can we measure up to this bird if we linger on in the Saha World?

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 我为你祝福 从〈普门品〉谈如何自助助人[栏目:法鼓山智慧随身书·心灵成长]
 月称(Candrakirti 约7世纪中叶)[栏目:古印度佛教人物]



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