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167.暮春祈雪消喉疾 Praying for snow near the end of spring to end diphtheria
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Praying for snow near the end of spring to end diphtheria

Yunnan Province had seen serious disasters for several years in a row. The diphtheria epidemic continued, and there had been no rain for several months. Members of the military, public officials, and citizens perished in large numbers. Remembering the excellent administration of ex-governor T'ang, the community met and invited him to return and resume his former duties. T'ang came to the monastery and requested the Master to set up an altar to pray for rain, and as a result, it poured for three days. The diphtheria epidemic continued, however, because only a snowfall could bring it to an end. Spring was drawing to a close, and Governor T'ang requested that the Master pray for snow to end the disease An altar was set up, and when a large snowfall ensued, all the people believed in the inconceivability of the Buddhadharma.

The gatha says:
Towards the end of spring, auspicious snow floated everywhere.
It totally stopped the diphtheria and saved our countrymen.
The honorable T'ang was good at governing, influencing heaven to change its mind.
The Buddha's strength lends its aid to the Elder Master's compassionate vows.

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