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182.助赈饥不蓄财 Helping relieve the starving by not keeping any wealth for himself
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Helping relieve the starving by not keeping any wealth for himself

The Master was one-hundred-and-one in 1940. After the spring Precept Period, Canton had already fallen, and the military and civilian governmental offices moved operations to Ch'u Chiang. Members of the Sangha arrived in large numbers from all over, and the Master had Ta Chien (Great Brightness) Monastery of Ch'u Chiang renovated and operated as a branch of Nan Hua Monastery. Yueh Hua (Moon Flower) Monastery was also repaired to receive the large numbers of wandering monks. in 1941, the Master was one hundred and two years old. After the spring Precept Period, the construction was completed with utmost speed. The Master turned over more than two hundred thousand dollars from the donations he had received for reconstruction to the government in order to relieve those who were starving.

The gatha says:
Every living being on earth has the Buddha nature.
The greatly virtuous and eminent Sanghan had a Bodhisattva's heart.
His magnanimous renunciation pervaded the Dharma Realm.
With great joy. and vet quite still, he entered into samadhi.

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上一篇:183.樟树神求受戒 Being aware that a camphor spirit sought the precepts
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