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187.山蜂聚土匪来 Observing the bees swarm as the enemy arrives
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Observing the bees swarm as the enemy arrives

During the summer, a ceremony to cross over those who had died on land or at sea was held at Nan Hua Monastery. During the previous month, a large swarm of bees, each as large as a thumb, nested in both corridors of the dining hail. They were very clever workers. The Master pointed them out to Ts'en Hsueh Lu, and said that the bees, who had miniature human heads, were a very rare sight indeed, and that their appearance meant that danger was imminent. By the eleventh lunar month, Ch'ao Chou (Swatow) was occupied, and the enemy had attacked and desecrated Nan Hua Monastery. They left after half an hour, and the Master sent people to escort Ts'en to Yun Men Monastery. One can plainly see the wonder of the Master's accurate predictions.

The gatha says:
The giant bees swarmed at the temple and the enemy arrived.
The movement of bees from all four directions revealed the world's turmoil.
The Master uttered a prediction.
Expecting there would be trouble, he sent Tsen back to Yun Men.

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