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195.经调查同斩柴 Going through an investigation and joining others in gathering firewood
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Going through an investigation and joining others in gathering firewood

After these events, the Sangha was denied its freedom - even their food was subject to stringent examination. In the fifth lunar month, the news of the seizure reached Peking, and the government sent public officials and county authorities to conduct an investigation at the monastery. When asked, the Master told them that nothing had happened. However, he had become deaf and blind. The seizure of Yun Men Monastery gradually relaxed, but the food supply was entirely gone. The Master commented, "Because my karma has involved all of you, now you must suffer going without food. You are now free to come or go." But the community refused to go. They sold firewood to buy rice, which everyone ate together. The work went on as usual.

The gatha says:
Climbing the hills to gather firewood,
They went to the market and exchanged it for rice.
Since there is no you, me, or others,
True harmony of single substance prevailed.

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全文 标题
 法华特论 第七 迦叶等授记品---授记品[栏目:冯达庵居士]
 观智进程 内观方法简介[栏目:观智进程·马哈希尊者]
 法然上人文钞 杂篇 二、三昧发得记[栏目:日本净土宗·法然上人文钞]



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