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Secrecy And Publicity
{返回 The Gospel Of Buddha 文集}


THE Buddha said: "Three things, O disciples, are characterized by secrecy: love affairs, priestly wisdom, and all aberrations from the path of truth. Women who are in love, O disciples seek secrecy and shun publicity; priests who claim to be in possession of special revelation, O disciples, seek secrecy and shun publicity; all those who stray from the path of truth, O disciples, seek secrecy and shun publicity.

"Three things, O disciples, shine before the world and cannot be hidden. What are the three? The moon, O disciples, illumines the world and cannot be hidden; the sun, O disciples, illumines the world and cannot be hidden; and the truth proclaimed by the Tathagata illumines the world and cannot be hidden. These three things, O disciples, illumine the world and cannot be hidden. There is no secrecy about them."

{返回 The Gospel Of Buddha 文集}

上一篇:The Annihilation Of Suffering
下一篇:The Vanity Of Worldliness
 Avoiding The Ten Evils
 The Buddha Announces His Death
 The Cruel Crane Outwitted
 Jetavana, The Vihara
 Visakha And Her Gifts
 All Existence Is Spiritual
 The Re-Establishment Of Concord..
 The First Converts
 Anathapindika, The Man Of Wealth..
 The Ties Of Life
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