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When we gain the One, all things are done
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When you obtain the One,
all things are done.

But if you attach to the One, then you will fall into two or three, and that is not true emptiness. What is true emptiness? It is Zero. The Zero is formed by making a circle. It is neither big nor small, neither inside nor outside, has no beginning and no end and cannot be enumerated. However, all numbers are not apart from it. Cultivation starts with cultivating the One until you return to Zero. From Zero uncountable functions come forth. Although it is said that “when you obtain the One, all things are done”, at the stage of Zero, there is not a single thing. At that point,

When not one Dharma is established,
the myriad conditions are empty.

That is the ultimate liberation!

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上一篇:5. The States of Chan
下一篇:Contemplate at ease to find wisdom
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