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Playing a Flute Without Holes
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Playing a Flute Without Holes

During an intensive Chan session,
Heaven and earth may be rent asunder.
Nor is it strange to get lessons,
In how to switch moons, in star plunder.
Standing before a shadowless peak,
A turn of the head will let you see.
Ever notice some true-blue soul
Playing a flute that has no holes?

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上一篇:Walk with Me
下一篇:Self-portrait of Hsuan Hua Sitting in Chan
 Do not be attached to states
 Return of Spring
 The Chan Hand book - Contents
 3. Ten Benefits of Chan
 Who will there be?
 Do not harbor thoughts of hatred an..
 Sitting long brings Chan, which cle..
 How Chan meditation can halt the pr..
 Seeking a method to avoid death...
 An Intensive Course
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