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学佛不要贪名利 Doing Something without Letting It Be Known
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Doing Something without Letting It Be Known



Students of Buddhism should actually cultivate, honestly develop real skill, and not be greedy for fame.

In every move and every word, strive to be true.


We who study Buddhism should cultivate with our feet planted firmly on the ground. We should apply true and honest effort, and not be greedy for fame. A phony reputation is of no use in cultivation. We should really do things without letting it be known. For instance, this time in praying for rain we got real results. That is an example of doing something without letting it be known. Don't be greedy for fame that lacks anything real to back it up. Fame with nothing to back it up is phony repute.


Don't be greedy for a false name. In every move and every word, strive to be true. Be as true as you can. That's the way a Buddhist should be.


You must build up your inner virtue and integrity, and possess both knowledge and wisdom. Only then can you be considered a capable person. Don't be greedy for worldly fame; don't hanker after worldly gain. Those are sterile flowers which bloom but don't bear fruit. This is such a crucial point, I hope everyone will take heed of it!


A talk given on March 15, 1977

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