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修行如何开智慧? How Can We Cultivate to Bring Forth Wisdom?
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How Can We Cultivate to Bring Forth Wisdom?


With the Dharma-selecting vision, we would be able to identify at a single glance the proper Dharma and the deviant Dharma.


Why do we cultivate? It's because we seek wisdom that we cultivate. Because we are stupid and we exclusively do inverted things, we suffer in samsara and cannot gain freedom and ease. If we had wisdom, we would not be disturbed by the states of demons, nor would we look upon thieves as our sons. We wouldn't cultivate on the one hand, and indulge in greed on the other. We would distinguish things clearly. With the Dharma-selecting vision, we would be able to identify at a single glance the proper Dharma and the deviant Dharma. We wouldn't mistake fish eyes for pearls.


How can we obtain wisdom? The only method is to practice Chan meditation. That way, we can turn our consciousness into wisdom. We can also recite the Shurangama Mantra, the mantra for opening wisdom. Alternately, we can recite the Shurangama Sutra, the Sutra for bringing enlightenment. When we become enlightened, our wisdom will appear. Or, we can investigate and study the Three Treasuries and Twelve Divisions of the Canon. That is to say, we should "deeply fathom the treasury of the Sutras and have wisdom like the sea."

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