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怎样才够资格参禅? What Makes One Qualified to Practice Chan Meditation?
{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}


What Makes One Qualified to Practice Chan Meditation?


You must patiently put up with the tasks you dislike doing. Trials you find unbearable must be borne anyway.


No matter what we do in the world, we can only hope for success after undergoing a period of smelting and refining. Practicing the Dharma-door of Chan meditation is even more difficult. We can make headway only after enduring toil and discipline in every way. Patience is the single most important requisite for meditators. You must patiently put up with the tasks you dislike doing. Unbearable suffering must be patiently endured. With this kind of spirit, you are qualified to practice Chan meditation. If you cannot be this patient, then there's nothing more to say. If your body is sitting in the hall, but your mind is out roaming far beyond the hall, your efforts will be entirely fruitless; you won't achieve any success.



The purpose of investigating Chan is to smelt a Vajra-indestructible body. Since you have your heart set on smelting a Vajra-body, you should go ahead and endure as much suffering as you can put up with. Because, as the saying goes,

Enduring suffering ends suffering;

Enjoying blessings uses up blessings.


As for the things we like to do, we should do them with even more alacrity, and not fail to fulfill the intent that brought us to the Chan Hall in the first place. Everyone should take note of this!

{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}

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