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对教育界之感慨痛心呼吁 An Anguished Appeal to Educators
{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}


An Anguished Appeal to Educators


Constantly base yourself on the spirit of public justice, open-mindedness, and great courage


Presently, education in many countries has deteriorated, and culture and learning trail in the dust. Although there are still some people in the education profession who try hard to save morality from perishing, a mere cup of water cannot put out a burning load of firewood. What is the reason for the complete failure of education? Those in the field of education are unwilling to reform, and do not seek to make progress. They watch as students grow more degenerate day by day-murdering, setting fires, robbing, and dealing drugs-and pretend not to notice. They may even openly encourage students to take drugs, get abortions, behave promiscuously, use contraceptives, and so on. That sort of vulgar behavior only causes students to become dissipated in mind and to go against their conscience.


Although there are still some educators who are speaking out and sincerely exhausting their efforts, trying to reform the degenerate trends and to secure a good foundation for young people, the majority shamelessly ignore their consciences and encourage people to act in obscene and disrespectful ways, to violate human obligations, and to injure public morals. As a result, the brave and noble ideals of the students are withered and crushed, and their good roots are harmed and obliterated. Before they have truly activated their wisdom, they have already learned to be frivolous and wild!


Although it's said that they came from the Heaven of Light-Sound, they gradually lost their original virtue and wisdom and only had a little bit of perceptive ability left. Although they are said to have come from the Heaven of Light-Sound, only a few came, and ultimately no one knows how many. No one can verify when they came either. There are no historical records to consult, nor is there much basis for this theory.


Some educators ceaselessly insist that education in ethics and virtue should be changed; they are nothing but thieves among the virtuous and rascals among the cultured. In order to cover up and protect their shortcomings, they oppose genuine education and educational reform with every means they have. Like the blind leading the blind, they delude the ignorant. Is this not a great cause for anguish and worry?


People devoted to education should constantly base themselves on the spirit of public justice, open-mindedness, and great courage when training the future leaders of the world. Only then will they not fail in their duty and not be ashamed of the job they are doing as teachers. However, if they continue to indulge in deviant knowledge and views, being jealous and obstructive, fishing for praise and reputation, oppressing others and elevating themselves, covering up their faults, and being false and deceitful, then education will plummet, never to rise and prosper again. The great talents of humanity will also be buried, and the nation's future will be in grave danger! I hope that educators will capture the attention of young people and quickly think of a way to save our children from going astray and willingly falling into error. Then hopefully the fate of society and the nation will take a turn for the better.


A talk given in December, 1982

{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}

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