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Ten Unlawful Points
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Ten Unlawful Points

At that time in Vesali many shameless Bhikkus of the Vajji clan claimed that the following ten points were not unlawful: -

1. Singilonakappa, it is fit to use salt in horns etc. in order to season unsalted foods.

2. Dvangulakappa, it is fit to eat food as long as the sun’s shadow has not passed the meridian by more than two fingers’ breadth,

3. Gamantarakappa, it is fit for a Bhikkhu who has already finished his meal to eat another meal without going through the due Vinaya rite if he intends to enter a village.

4. Avasakappa, it is fit to perform the Uposatha ceremony in separate buildings in the case of a large Sima (Jurisdiction).

5. Anumatikappa, it is fit to perform any Vinaya ceremony first and then take the consent of the absent Bhikkhus,

6. Acinnakappa, it is fit to conform to the practice of teachers and preceptors.

7. Amafhitakappa, it is fit for a Bhikkhu Who has finished his mea1 to drink that milk which has changed its original state but has not yet become curd, without getting the due Vinaya rite done.

8. Jalogikappa, it is fit to drink unfermented palm-wine.

9. Adasaka-nisidanakappa, it is fit to use mats without fringes.

10. Jatarupadikappa, it is fit to accept gold and silver,

Venerable Yasa, who came to hear of these heretical teachings, resolved even at the cost of his life to nip them in the bud. He succeeded. The Venerable Revata who was questioned about them pronounced that they were all unlawful.

Ultimately, in the presence of eight distinguished Arahants who had assembled at Valukarama in Vesali, the Venerable Sabbakami, the most senior Arahant, being One hundred and Twenty years from his Upasampada, questioned by the Venerable Revata, adjudged that they were all unlawful according to the Vinaya.

After which the venerable Revata chose Seven hundred distinguished Arahants to hold a Council in order to protect the Dhamma. This second council lasted eight months. King Kalasoka acted as the Royal Patron. The Venerable Sabbakami was the presiding Thera.

Amongst the assembled Arahants Sabbakami, Salha, Revata, Khujjasobhita, Yasa, Sambhuta and Sanavasika, all pupils of the Venerable Ánanda and Vasabhagamika and Sumana, pupils of the Venerable Anuruddha had the good fortune to live in the Buddha’s own time.

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 36 猴子与乌龟[栏目:佛经民间故事]



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