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Causes Of Spiritual Progress
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Causes Of Spiritual Progress

 "These four things are conducive to the good and happiness of a noble son in the other world."

"Which four?"

I. Achievement of Faith-Saddhasampada

II. Achievement of Virtue-Silasampada

III. Achievement of Charity-Cagasampada

IV. Achievement of Wisdom-Pannasampada

"What is the achievement of faith?"

"Herein a clansman is possessed of faith, believes in he Enlightenment of the Tathágata: - Thus, indeed is that Blessed One, An Exalted One, Omniscient, Endowed with wisdom and conduct, Auspicious Knower of worlds, an Incomparable Charioteer for the training of individuals, Teacher of gods and men, Enlightened and Holy."

"This is called the achievement of virtue?"

"Herein a clansman abstains from killing, stealing, un-chastity, lying and intoxicants that cause infatuation and heedlessness."

"This is called the achievement of virtue."

"What is the achievement of charity?"

"Herein a clansman, dwells at home with heart free from the stain of avarice, devoted to charity, open-handed, delighting in generosity, fit to be asked (for alms), rejoicing in sharing alms."

"What is the achievement of wisdom?"

"Herein a clansman is wise, is endowed with wisdom that leads to one's development and with noble penetrative insight - Nibbedikaya that leads to the complete destruction of suffering."

"This is called the achievement of wisdom."

"These four things are conducive to the good and happiness of a clansman in the other world."

"Strenuous in spheres of work, heedful and ordering, he lives well, protecting what he has amassed."

"Endowed with faith and virtue, generous and free from avarice, he ever clears the path of happiness to the other world."

"Thus for the believing home-seekers, these eight things that lead to the happiness in both worlds - well-being in this and happiness in the other - have been declared by Him who owns a truthful name. In this way do the charity and merit of laymen grow."

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