第一天 法与派别意識
Day One: Dharma and Sectarianism
Friends, seekers of peace and harmony:
每个人都在寻找安详,每个人都在寻找和谐。但是,人生却充满着痛苦, 有这种、或那种的痛苦,由于这个理由或那个理由所产生的痛苦,到处都充满痛苦。我们要如何才能解脱痛苦呢?我们要如何才能过着安详、和谐、利己又利人的生活呢?
Everyone seeks peace. Everyone seeks harmony. Life is full of misery, misery of one kind or another, due to this reason or that reason. There is misery everywhere. How can we come out of misery? How can we live peaceful, harmonious lives, good for ourselves and good for others?
印度的圣贤、先知——觉悟者们问道:「为什么会有痛苦呢?」「有没 有解脱痛苦的方法呢?」(有,就是要根除产生痛苦的原因。)不过,有很 多造成痛苦的原因只是表面上的,如果只是根除这些表面上的原因是无法去 除痛苦的。痛苦的真正原因是深植于我们内心的。除非这个根深蒂固的痛苦 原因被根除了,否则我们永远无法体验真正的安详、真正的和谐与真正的快樂。
The sages, saints and seers of India—the wise, enlightened ones—asked: "Why is there misery?" and "Is there a way out of misery?" There are innumerable apparent reasons why there is misery. But we cannot come out of misery by eradicating these apparent reasons. The real cause of misery lies deep within ourselves. And unless this deep-rooted cause of misery is eradicated, we can never experience real peace, real harmony or real happiness.
我们要如何才能去除深植在我们内心深处的痛苦原因呢?每一位有智 慧、觉悟的人都能了解,根除痛苦的唯一方法就是追随正法的足迹。假如一 个人能够过着正法的生活,这个人必定能走出痛苦的深渊。正法与痛苦是