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No Ajahn Chah《008》
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If you’ve trained properly, you wouldn’t feel frightened when you fall sick, nor be upset when someone dies. When you go into the hospital for treatment, determine in your mind that if you get better, that’s fine, and that if you die, that’s fine, too. I guarantee you that if the doctors told me I had cancer and was going to die in a few months, I’d remind the doctors, "Watch out, because death is coming to get you, too. It’s just a question of who goes first and who goes later." Doctors are not going to cure death or prevent death. Only the Buddha was such a doctor, so why not go ahead and use the Buddha’s medicine?

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全文 标题
 漫说《杂阿含》(卷三十七)~E 1028经:本经主旨:如何保持正念和正智。[栏目:界定法师]
 27. The Story of Poor Sopaka[栏目:Life of the Buddha]



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