《170》阿姜 查除了教导弟子外,还会制造一些一般环境和特殊情况,使他们能对自己有些认识,来训练他们。他会说诸如:「我所教导你们的,你们也许只了解百分之十五。」或「他只出家五年,所以他只了解百分之五。」的话。一位新进比丘后来回答说:「这么说,我已经在这一年,所以我明了了百分之一。」阿姜 查回答:「不,前四年你一无所知,到了第五年,你才有百分之五的理解。」
More than merely teaching people, Ajahn Chah trained them by creating a general environment and specific situations where they could learn about themselves. He would say things like, "Of what I teach you, you understand maybe 15%," or "He’s been a monk for five years, so he understands 5%." A junior monk said in response to the latter. "So I must have 1% since I’ve been here one year." "No," was Ajahn Chah’s reply. "The first four years you have no percent, then the fifth year, you have 5%."