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You say that talk about devils is superstitious. Isnt talk about rebirth a bit superstitious too?
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You say that talk about devils is superstitious. Isn't talk about rebirth a bit superstitious too?
The dictionary defines superstition as a belief which is not based on reason or fact but on an association of ideas, as in magic. If you can show me a careful study of the existence of devils written by a scientist I will concede that belief in devils is not superstition. But I have never heard of any research into devils; scientists simply wouldn’t bother to study such things, so I say there is no evidence for the existence of devils. But as we have just seen, there is evidence which seems to suggest that rebirth does take place. So if belief in rebirth is based on at least some facts, it cannot be a superstition.

{返回 Good Questions, Good Answers on Buddhism 文集}

上一篇:Well, have there ever been any scientists who believe in rebirth?
下一篇:You have talked a lot about rebirth but is there any proof that we will be reborn when we die?
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