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树叶将永远在掉落 The Leaves will Always Fall
{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

The Leaves will Always Fall


Every day or two, the open grounds and walkways of the monastery must be swept clear of the leaves that fall in every Asian season. For the large open areas, the monks will team up and, with long-handled bamboo brooms extended, sweep like a dust storm, clearing all the leaves in their path. Sweeping is so satisfying.


All the while, the forest continues to give its teachings. The leaves fall, the monks sweep, and yet, even while the sweeping continues and the near end of a long path is being cleared, the monks can look back to the far end they have already swept and see a new scattering of leaves already starting to cover their work.


"Our lives are like the breath, like the growing and falling leaves," says Achaan Chah. "When we can really understand about falling leaves, we can sweep the paths every day and have great happiness in our lives on this changing earth."

  阿姜 查说:“我们的生命犹如落叶,犹如成长和凋落的叶子。当我们对成长和凋落的叶子有了真实的体认之後,便可以每天清扫道路,在这个恒常变迁的地球上,我们的生活中,拥有无比的喜悦。”

{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

上一篇:宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 第五章 森林里的教导 Lessons in the Forest
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