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约制 Restraint
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The worldly way is outgoing, exuberant; the way of the monk's life is restrained and controlled. Constantly work against the grain, against old habits; eat, speak, and sleep little. If you are lazy, raise energy. If you feel you cannot endure, raise patience. If you like the body and feel attached to it, learn to see it as unclean. Indulging your desires instead of opposing them cannot even be considered the slow way, as a month's rather than a day's journey. Instead, you will simply never arrive. Work with your desires.


Virtue or following precepts, and concentration or meditation are aids to the practice. They make the mind calm and restrained. But outward restraint is only a convention, a tool to help gain inner coolness. You may keep your eyes cast down, but still your mind may be distracted by whatever enters your field of vision'.

  戒行或遵守戒律和定或禅坐是有助於修行的。它们使心平静和受到约制。可是,外在的约制只是个方法── 一种协助我们得到内心清凉的工具。虽然你双眼垂视,可是,你的心仍会被进入你视野的东西所干扰。

Perhaps you feel that this life is too difficult, that you just cannot do it. But the more clearly you understand the truth of things, the more incentive you will have. Suppose you are walking home and step on a large thorn that goes deep into your foot. In pain, you feel you just cannot go on. Then a ferocious tiger comes, and, afraid that it will "eat your head," you forget about your foot, get up, and run all the way home.


Constantly ask yourself, 'Why am I ordained7" Let it be a spur. It is not for comfort and pleasure; these are much more easily had in lay life. On alms round, at any time, ask, 'Why do I do what I d07" It should not be out of habit. Listening to the Dharma, are you hearing the teaching or merely the sound7 May be the words enter your ears, but you are thinking, 'The sweet potatoes at breakfast were really delicious." Keep your mindfulness sharp. In activity around the monastery, the important point is intention; know what you are doing and know how you feel about it. Learn to know the mind that clings. to ideas of purity and bad karma, burdens itself with doubt and excessive fear of wrongdoing. This too is attachment. Too much of this mind makes you afraid to sweep because you may kill ants, afraid to walk because you may harm the grass. New doubts constantly arise in regard to one's purity-if you keep following the anxiety, you only gain temporary relief. You must understand the process of doubt in order to put an end to it.

  不断地问你自己:“我是为了什么而出家的?”把它当做一种激励。出家不是为了舒适和享乐,这些在家生活更容易得到。在托钵的时候,问自己:“我这样做为的是什么?”绝不是出自於习惯罢!在听法的时候,你听到的是教导还是只是声音?也许话是进了你的耳朵,但你脑袋里却是在想:“早餐的地瓜实在很好吃。”让你的正念保持敏锐。寺院里的活动,重点在於动机,因此,要知道你在做什 和知道你的感觉如何。学习去认识执取清净、恶业的概念之心,学习去认识以疑惑给自己加诸重担和极度恐惧恶行之心,因为这也是执著!这种心态太重的话,会造成你不敢扫地,因为你怕会杀死蚂蚁,不敢走路,因为会伤到小草。怀疑我们是否清净的疑惑会不断地生起──如果你继续追随这种焦虑,你也只能得到暂时的心安。为了结束疑惑,你必须了解疑惑的过程。

In our chanting, we say that we are the Buddha's servants. To be a servant means to give yourself completely to your master and rely on him for all your needs: food, clothing, shelter, guidance. We who wear the robes, an inheritance of the Buddha, should understand that all the requisites we receive from lay supporters come to us because of the virtue of the Buddha, not because of our own individual merit.


Know moderation in those requisites. Robes need not be of fine material, they are merely to protect the body. Alms-food is merely to sustain you. The Path constantly opposes defilement and habitual desire. When Sariputta was going for alms-food, he saw that greed said, "Give me a lot," so he said, "Give me a little." If defilement says, "Give it to me fast," our Path says, "Give it to me slowly." If attachment wants hot, soft food, then our Path asks for it hard and cold.

  对於这个必须品的节制要有认识。袈裟不需要好的质料,它们只是用来保护身体而已;托钵的食物只是用来维持你的生命。“道”,不断地在对治烦恼(杂染)和习惯性的欲望。当舍利弗要去托钵时,他看到贪欲说:“给我多一点!”他於是便说:“给我少一点!”如果烦恼(杂染)说:“快点给我!”我们的“道”会说:“慢点给我!”如果执著要热的、软的食物,那 ,我们的“道”便会要硬的和冷的。

All our actions-wearing the robes, collecting alms food-should be done mindfully, according to the precepts. The Dharma and discipline that the Buddha gave us are like a well-tended orchard. We do not have to worry about planting trees and caring for them; we do not have to be afraid that the fruit will be poisonous or unfit to eat. All of it is good for us.


Once inner coolness is attained, you still should not throwaway the forms of monastic life. Be an example for those who come after; this is how the enlightened monks of old behaved.


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 2011百日共修 不共之五内加行 金刚萨垛除障法(六)[栏目:达真堪布·百日共修开示]



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