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简明的教导 Keep the Teaching Simple
{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

Keep the Teaching Simple


A large piece of wild forest land was offered Achaan Chah by nearby villagers to start a monastery. A wealthy lay supporter heard of this and offered to build a magnificent hall and temple on top of a small mountain in the forest. Other lay supporters gathered together, and a design was drawn for the largest Dharma hall in several provinces. Huts for monks were built in caves around the mountain, and a road was laboriously cut through the woods. Construction commenced on the Dharma hall: concrete foundation, tall pillars, platform for a giant bronze Buddha. As work proceeded, new designs were added. Complex discussions between lay sponsors and the builders ensued. Just how fancy should the roof be? Should we modify the design to make it better in this way? In that way? How about hollow pillars and a huge rainwater tank underneath? Everyone had good ideas, but they were all very costly.

  附近的一位村民捐赠阿姜 查一大片原始森林地来开辟寺院。一位富有的在家护法居士听到这个消息之後,便在森林中的一个小山上布施造一座雄伟的讲堂和寺院。其他的护法居士也集会一起讨论,这座在几个省内最大的法堂设计蓝图於是诞生了。僧侣的茅蓬建在山区四周的洞窟中,而路则是费尽心血从树林中开穿过去。建筑工程从法堂开始──水泥地基、高柱、钢制佛像的基座。工程进行中,新的设计构想陆续加进。负责人与建筑师之间的繁复研讨,例如:屋顶应该多华丽?可否为了这个更进完美的构想而更动原来的设计?或另一个构想?那下面建空心住及大蓄水池如何?每一位都有很好的意见,但都非常昂贵。

The culmination of all these discussions was a long meeting with Achaan Chah. Construction experts, lay sponsors, all presented the different design options, the costs, the time for building. Finally the wealthy lay supporter spoke up with her ideas and questions. "Tell us, Achaan, which of these designs to follow. The frugal one? The costly one? How shall we proceed?"

  这几场兴阿姜 查的漫长讨论的结尾──建筑师、负责人,种种不同的设计构想、花费、建筑所需时间等等。最後,这位富有的护法居士说出她的意见和问题。“师父,请告诉我们应该用哪个构想,节约型的或昂贵型的?我们该如何继续进行?”

Achaan Chah laughed. "When you do good, there are good results." That was all he would say. The finished Dharma hall was magnificent.

  阿姜 查笑著说:“你们行善,就会有善果。”他只说了这么多。


{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

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