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嬉戏的孩子 Child Playing
{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}




Child Playing

When we have contemplated the nature of the heart many times, we will come to understand that the heart's ways are just as they are and can't be otherwise. They make up the nature of the heart. If we see this clearly, then we can detach from thoughts and feelings. And we don't have to add on anything more if we constantly tell ourselves that "that's just the way it is." When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything. Thinking and feeling will be deprived of power. It is like at first being annoyed by a child who likes to play in ways that annoy us so much we scold or spank him. But later we understand that it's natural for a child to play and act like that, so we leave him alone. We let go and our troubles are over. Why are they over? Because we now accept the natural ways of children. Our outlook has changed and we now accept the true nature of things. We let go and our heart becomes more peaceful. We now have right understanding.

{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}

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