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The Ticket to The Glorious Copper Colored Mountain
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The Ticket to The Glorious Copper Colored Mountain

byDzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

I wanted to share this understanding that just came to me, that this maybe kind of old, as well as also, perhaps, it could shed some new light in all of our endeavors of being a practitioner. The ticket, I feel, the ticket to the Glorious Copper Colored Mountain is... just letting go of the sense of autonomous self in the service of the lineage...I think that’s the ticket to really be able to find a peace here in the world, because until we don’t let go of this autonomous sense of self, this sense of self is going to be determining what you’re fate is, is going to be choosing its own karma.

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上一篇:Considering, What Serves? Instead of Trying to Be Good.
下一篇:Being A Lamp For Others
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 Being A Lamp For Others
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