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From the Storyteller to the Reader
{返回 Buddhist Tales For Young & Old 文集}

From the Storyteller to the Reader

When you read or listen to these very old stories, if you wonder how much is really true, the Buddha gave some advice that might help. He said that when you listen to what a monk says you should test the meaning, weigh or consider it, and depend on your own insides to know the truth of it. Then follow and practise what you know to be true.

Let us praise the Exalted, Worthy, Fully Self-Enlightened One and follow the Truth.

{返回 Buddhist Tales For Young & Old 文集}

上一篇:Demons in the Desert [The Correct Way of Thinking]
下一篇:Interpreters Introduction
 The Shovel Wise Man (Renunciation)..
 A Hero Named Jinx (Friendship)
 A Mothers Wise Advice (Non-violence..
 Beauty and Grey [A Wise Leader]..
 Mountain Buck and Village Doe [Infa..
 The Birth of a Banyan Tree [Respect..
 The Heaven of 33 [Chapter 3. Merit]..
 A Man Named Wise (Cheating)
 The Dancing Peacock [Pride and Mode..
 A Gang of Drunkards (Sobriety)
全文 标题
 相应2经 男子经[栏目:相应部 37.妇女相应]
 瑜伽菩萨戒要义 二、四十三轻 37、患难不慰戒[栏目:瑜伽菩萨戒]



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