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前言 Welcome
{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}


  You are about to enter a different world, a world you may scarcely have known existed.

  Although most of the stories you will read here took place in China, similar events are going on around you every day. These things happen to you, to me, to your family and teachers, to every living creature on earth.
  But you may not be aware of what's going on because you do not understand. If you do not understand, that is because you have never learned how to see.
  Most of these stories have never been told in English before. This is a new realm of experience for you, so you will have to keep your eyes open and be ready to learn. Some of these stories you may not understand, others you may not even believe. But every single one of these one hundred stories is true.
  They are true because they are simple accounts of universal laws. Western science already knows about how the sun helps plants grow, how the moon makes tides, and many other everyday facts that are not obvious at first glance, and were unknown to people long ago. But there are also many facts that science has not yet discovered. Some of these things were well known to people long ago in other cultures. Just because science has not yet discovered them does not mean they are not true. It means that they are waiting for us to learn about them.
  Every single story here teaches an important lesson for you. If you learn these lessons well, you will win a lifetime supply of health, wisdom, and happiness.
  If you ignore these lessons, and break the laws of the universe.., maybe oneday you might become the one hundred first story!
  Are you ready now? Let's begin!


  他们是真实的,因为它们是普遍真理的简单叙述。西方科学已经知道阳光使得植物生长,月亮引起潮汐,还有许多一眼看去不是很明显的日常事例,这些为生活 在久远年代的人所不知。然而还有许多科学还没有发现的事实,而这些事实早就被其他文化背景的人所熟知。科学还没揭开它们的秘密并不意味着它们不真实,而恰 恰意味着它们在等着我们去学习发现。
  准备好了吗? 那我们开始吧!

{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

上一篇:1.猿猴的哭泣 The Crying Ape
 28.残忍的报应 The Results Of Cruelty..
 41.杀蛇 Killing A Snake
 31.仁慈始于餐桌边 Mercy Begins At The Dinn..
 6.鹿救恩人 The Deer That Saved Its Resc..
 92.快乐的人 A Happy Man
 25.放走被困的兔子 Releasing Trapped Rabbit..
 76.一窝四只 The Litter Of Four
 60.一个仁慈的官员 A Kind Official
 82.河中的海豹 The Seal In The River
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