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18.母鹿 The Mother Deer
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   The forest was still in the early morning.
   The rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains. The mountains glowed with a beautiful light, and the water glistened on the ripples in the stream. Everything was at peace.
   Suddenly a man appeared. He hurried across the stream and reached a meadow. He stopped and looked around him, as if he were looking for something.This man had a strong face, big ears, eyebrows like swords, and eyes like a tiger's.He had an adventurer's turban on his head. He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip. He looked vigorous, tough, and lively. This man wasXu Zhenzhun. He loved the great outdoors, and he especially loved hunting.
   He spotted a fawn coming out of the forest. Xu smiled and nocked an arrow. Zip! The fawn fell over almost as soon as the sound of the bow-string was heard. Xu was proud of his good shot. Just as he was about to go pick up his game, he saw the fawn's mother running to her child.
   When the mother deer saw what had happened to her baby, she whimpered and cried, and licked her baby's wound with her tongue.
   Xu had never expected this to happen. He watched as the mother tended her baby, but Xu's aim had been too accurate. The wound was too deep, and before long, the little deer died.
   When the little deer died, its mother fell down dead, too.
   Xu was amazed. He couldn't figure out why the mother deer had died, too.He took out his hunting knife and cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong.
  He saw that her organs and intestines were broken into little pieces an inch long! The mother deer was so sad the her baby had been killed that she burst her innards.
  Xu was terribly sorry about what he had done. Right away, he broke his bow across his knee and threw his arrows into the stream. He left his home and went deep into the mountains to find a Teacher. He worked hard for many years and finally became a great Buddhist.

18. 母鹿



  忽然来了一个人,他匆匆地穿过溪流,来到草地上。他停了下来四处看了看,好像在寻找什么。此人面容刚毅,大耳朵,剑眉虎眼。头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手 持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。他看起来体格健壮,活力四射。这个人就是许真准。他热爱自然,尤其喜欢打猎。








{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

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