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34.护生得长寿 Saving Lives For A Longer Life
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  Du Jinyang, the County Chief of Qiantang in Zhejiang became very sick,and his doctor gave him the wrong medicine by accident, which almost finished him off.
  Du realized how precious, but how fragile, life is. He made a vow. "I swear that I will devote my life to helping others and saving the world. The most important duty is to repent and to save all in the world. Nothing else is worth bothering about."
  One day, Guanyin, the merciful deliverer, came to him in a dream, and said,"In your past life, you were an official in Chu. Although you were honest, you were too strict, so you caused great harm to others, which could have been avoided. You were not selfish or greedy, but your actions have caused you to lose your rank. Also, you ate many animals, so of course the result is that your life should be shortened.
  "Fortunately, this sickness has awakened your conscience and you have sworn a very good oath. You have made up your mind to help others, and have no wrath in your heart. This is very good. If you want to live longer, the greatest hidden virtue of all is to save lives. Release animals trapped in cages or raised for the slaughter. This will also earn you higher rank.
  "Take care. Do a good job."
  After he woke up, Du told his family never to kill another animal. He began donating money to free doomed animals.
  Sure enough, that winter he was promoted to take charge of Jiaojiang county, and the next spring, his illness was cured entirely. Du was very grateful to Guanyin and the Buddhas. He always remembered his vow to help others. The best way to do that is to tell them not to kill, but to release living creaDures.

  Du was always honest, and carried out his duties carefully. He lived a long life and died at home of old age.

34. 护生得长寿



  一天,他梦到了大悲观音菩萨。观音对他说,“你前世曾经是楚地的官员。尽管你很正直,但是你过于严厉,给别人造成了巨大伤害。这些本来都是可以避免 的。你不自私贪婪,但是你的所作所为足以让你丢官。还有,你吃了很多动物,所以理所当然你将会减寿。”

  “可喜的是,你的病唤起了你的良知,而且你还发了大愿。你决定要尽力帮助他人,心里又没有一丝愤恨。这很好。如果你想活得久些,最好的积阴德方法就是 护生,将那些为了被宰杀而被关在笼子里的或者被饲养的生物放生。这还会让你得到更高的官职。”





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