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44.扫螺蛳 Sweeping Snails
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   In 1567, Han Shineng of Changzhou, Jiangsu dreamed that a god in shining golden armor told him, "Congratulations! I bear good news. You will be promoted to the highest rank in the government."

  Even though he was dreaming, Han couldn't believe it. "Why is that?" he asked the god. 

  "It's like this," the god said. "Your honored grandfather, Han Yungchun, was poor. Yet even though he did not have enough money for his family, he delighted in releasing animals. Every morning when the sun comes up, he goes to the stream near your house with a broom. You know those snails they call 'spiral lions,' and how they wander away from the stream at night. Your grandfather sweeps up the spiral lions and puts them back into the stream where they're safe, and nobody will step on them by accident. Sometimes when he was too poor to buy anything to eat, he would sweep the stream for miles to keep his mind off his hunger. In this way, he saved thousands and thousands of spiral lions.
  "People used to laugh at him.'Can't you find anything better to do with your time?'some people said. Others asked, 'If you're so hungry, why don't you eat the snails? Everybody knows they're tasty!' Most people just sneer and call him a fool, but he doesn't mind a bit. He just does what he feels is right. He doesn't think it's necessary to pay attention to what people say about him. And any way,every time he puts the spiral lions safely back into the water, he has a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. He feels happy, and that kind of happiness can't be bought with any amount of money.
  "Your grandfather has done this for over forty years now. He has saved so many lives that not only has he earned great fortune for himself, but also his luck will carry over to his children and grandchildren for many generations. You will benefit from your grandfather's kindness."
  There the dream stopped. Han Shineng threw himself into his work, and sure enough, he gradually rose to higher and higher posts, until he finally reached the highest position in the whole Chinese empire. He was even sent to Korea on a special mission. He was important and powerful, and his family prospered for many generations. This was because his grandfather had been such a kind man.

44. 扫螺蛳



  “是这样的,”神说,“尊祖父,韩阳春,是个穷人。尽管没有足够的钱养家,他还是以放生为乐。每天太阳刚升起来的时候,他就拿着一把扫帚,去你家旁边 的小溪边。你知道那些被叫做’ 螺蛳’的动物吧,它们晚上会迷失方向,离开小溪。你的祖父把这些螺蛳扫在一起,把它们送回溪里,它们在那儿才比较安全,不会被人无意中踩碎。有时候他穷得 没钱买东西吃,于是就沿着河整里整里地扫螺蛳,才能忘记饥饿。就这样,他救了成千上万的螺蛳。”

  “人们常常笑话他,‘你就不能拿你的时间来做一些好事吗?’一些人这么说”。另一些人说,’如果你真的很饿,为什么不吃螺蛳呢?人人都知道螺蛳很好 吃!’大多数人都鄙视他,叫他笨蛋,但是他一点也不介意。只要他觉得是对的,他就一直做下去。他觉得没必要介意人家说什么。而且,每当他把蜗牛安全地送回 水里,他就有深深的满足感。他觉得很快乐,而这种快乐是用多少钱都买不到的。


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