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46.鳝鱼执行的处决 Executed By Eels
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  In A Record of Wide Love, Meng Pingan tells this story:
  In Suzhou, there was a restaurant that specialized in eel noodles. The boss,Dai Dapan, was a nasty man. He was cruel and selfish. His restaurant was more successful than any of his competitors' because he thought up a very ingenious way to cook the eels. He lined the inside of the steamers the eels were cooked in with nails, and put the eels in alive. When the steamers were put over the fire, the eels would move around trying to get out, and cut themselves open on the nails. Their blood would go into the noodles, and many customers thought the taste was excellent.
  One day Dai was counting up his money on his abacus. He threw his head back and laughed, "Ha, ha, ha! I am getting rich!"

  "Papa," his son, Dai Xixin, said, "Let's go into some other business. It's too cruel to make money this way, even if we are getting rich."

  "Dummy! What is there to live for besides money? Go on with you. Some other business? What other business can you make so much money in? You kids are full of nonsense." 

  One day Dai Dapan was nowhere to be found. Dai Xixin looked everywhere for him. One of his neighbors came running up and said, "We've found him! Quick, he's in the river!"
  Dai Xixin ran to the bank where all the villagers were standing and looking at the strange sight. Dai Dapan had been drowned by thousands of eels which held him under water until he died.

46. 鳝鱼执行的处决


  苏州有一家饭馆,他们那里的招牌菜是鳝鱼面。老板,戴大盘,是一个令人讨厌的人。他残忍自私。他的生意比别人都好,因为他想出了一个特别的法子烹饪鳝 鱼。他在煮鳝鱼的蒸笼里面排放了一列列的钉子,然后把鳝鱼放进去。当蒸笼在火上加热时,鳝鱼就在里面来回移动想跑掉,然后就在钉子上把自己给切开了。它们 的血会渗到面里去,许多客人都觉得这道菜很好吃。






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