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92.快乐的人 A Happy Man
{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

  One day in spring, Wang Liangbin called his servant to him.

  "How many pounds of snails did you buy?"

  "200 pounds, sir."

  "Did you buy birds?"

  "Yes, sir, over 60."

  "Did you have enough money?"

  "Yes, sir."

  Wang never spent much money on himself. He was frugal and lived simply. He spent most of his money buying animals to set free.
  On his birthday, his students wanted to give him a party. When he found out,he told them, "If you respect me, use the money for the party to buy animals to set free. That would be the best possible birthday gift you could get me."
  His students were touched, and did as he said.
  All in all, that year he released twice as many animals as usual.

  A few years later, one of his neighbors had a water buffalo that was too old to work. He was going to sell it to a butcher. The buffalo must have known what was up, because it got away from its master and ran straight to Wang Liangbin. It knelt down in front of him, begging for its life.

  Wang got together enough money to buy it, and took care of it for the rest of its life.
  Children learn very quickly from their parents, even without being told. Wang was always kind to others, so his children learned to be kind, too. Wang always did all his work carefully, so his children did their schoolwork carefully. They obeyed their father and mother, and his son worked so hard that he won a very high position in the government, bringing honor and glory to the whole family.

  Wang Liangbin lived a long, peaceful, happy life, and died without any pain or discomfort. When he died, he looked as calm and settled as a monk sitting down to meditate.















{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

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 《大乘百法明门论》讲义 16[栏目:大乘百法明门论讲义·济群法师]
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