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结语 In Closing
{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}


  We hope you have enjoyed these stories. Some of them are very old--Cheng Tang in the third story lived over three thousand years ago. Here you have read about places you may never heard of before, and ideas you never thought of. You may be thinking, "Who on earth is the Dragon King?" Many of these stories are well known to most Chinese, but may seem very far away from you.

  Perhaps once you saved a chick that fell out of its nest. After you read this boole, you may wonder, how come I didn't get a reward?

  Notice that the rewards earned by the kind people in this book have generally been the most important things in life: wisdom, knowledge, good health, happiness. You probably aren't going to discover a gold mine because of that beetle you didn't step on, but look at it this way.

  Most of these stories you have read here have never been told in English before. The West does not have this way of thinking. You have had the rare opportunity to read this book. You, out of all the millions of people in the country. This in itself is a wonderful chance, perhaps your reward for that good deed. Make good use of this.

  But perhaps you have never rescued any animals in distress. You may be wondering, "What can I do to save lives?"

  First, of course, you know you should never kill any animal. Fishing and hunting are terrible sports, and they bring disaster down on yourself and your loved ones. Don't kill animals for fun.

  Don't kill animals for food, either. By nature, human beings are designed to be vegetarians. The number one killer in the United States is heart disease. The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute found that in 1989, Americans spent $151 billion dollars treating heart disease! And it's a proven medical fact that eating meat causes heart disease. Not just red meat. Meat.

 The US Surgeon General reports that 68% of diseases in the country are related to diet.

  Of every seven dollars spent in the USA, one is spent on medical care.

  Whew! That's a lot of numbers. Let's spell it out clearly.   

  Most sickness in the US today comes from what you eat. Let's face it, that means eating meat, fish, eggs, milk, butter, and cheese ruin your health.

  If you get sick, you have to spend a lot of money.
  If you don't get sick, you don't have to spend a lot of money -- you save the money and... Hey! That means

  * if you say NO to a hamburger and spare a cow's life;
  * if you say NO to a pork chop and spare a pig's life;
  * if you say NO to a drumstick and spare a chicken's life, you really do get a reward, in cash!

  You get to keep all the money meat-eating people have to give to doctors! Are doctors expensive? Ask Mom and Dad.

  Okay, you want facts and figures. Economists estimate that the average American family of three, eating healthful vegetarian food, can expect to save some $4,000 a year in the short run, and more in the long run.

  Now add that up, year after year after year...
  That's a fortune!

  And let's not just talk about the money. Do you enjoy being sick? It's painful. Even a stomachache that goes away before evening is painful.

  Of all sicknesses, what is most painful? Probably cancer.
  Every year, more Americans die of cancer than died in World War II, the Korean War, and the Viet Nam War combined!

  And one of the main causes of cancer is eating animal products.
  Simple. Eat less meat, get less cancer, suffer less.

  Heart disease and cancer are not the only problems. The list of illnesses you can cause yourself by eating dead animals, eggs, and dairy products is long and horrifying. But that's only half the story. That's only the human suffering.

  What about all those poor animals being slaughtered to provide us with the ingredients for all this bad health? Do you think they enjoy it?
  The stories in this book took place long ago, in Asia. The animals suffered enormously while they were being murdered, but at least, in those days, they were raised pretty humanely. Pigs were stuck in filthy sties, but at least they had some space. Cattle lived outdoors most of the day and worked hard, but the farmers did,too. Chicks were allowed to scrabble in the dirt with the hens.

  Some of the methods used to transport them to the market were pretty crude, but all in all, the animals didn't suffer too much while they were growing.

  Times have changed. Do you have any idea of what goes on in modern meat production? Torture!

  Now, pigs, cows, and poultry are trapped in the smallest space possible and fed unnatural foods. Babies are taken away from their mothers. Many of them never have space to move around. They never see sunlight. They are pumped full of powerful chemicals to make them fat. The whole way of raising these innocent animals is cruel and heartless.

  The most hard-hearted person wouldn't want to touch a piece of meat if he knew even half of the suffering animals go through to produce meat in the United States -- even before being butchered.

  There are many other problems with eating animal products, too.
  Have you heard about all those miserable people starving to death in other parts of the world? Some people say, too bad, but there's just not enough food to go around.

  That's not true. Farmers today produce more than enough food to feed every single person on earth today. Then why do some people go hungry? Because so much of the food farmers produce has to go to feed cattle and pigs and poultry to produce meat.

  Meat producers raise billions of animals. Those animals have to eat too, right?If meat producers buy up crops to feed to animals, poor people don't have any food to eat.

  If the people of the United States ate only ten per cent less meat, there would be enough extra food to save all of the starving people in the world today.

  Fifteen total vegetarians can be feed on the amount of land it takes to feed one person eating a meat based diet. In other words, when you eat meat, you are causing fourteen people to go hungry.

  Another problem is that the way they produce meat today ruins the ecosystem. If the ecosystem is ruined, we are all dead.
  When you think how much better off we all would be eating grains and vegetables, you probably realize it's not worth it to torture and kill animals.

  But hunting and eating meat are not the only ways people kill animals.

  Nothing can be more irritating than a mosquito buzzing around your ear at night. Smack! I got it!

  What could be more disgusting than a cockroach crawling across the floor? Oooogh! I stepped on it!

  What were those bugs doing inside in the first place? Giving you a message. A cockroach is a messenger telling you your house isn't clean enough. If you don'twant cockroaches, tidy your house, and they won't bother you.

  A mosquito is another messenger, reminding you to keep your screens shut tight.

  I know what to do with those messengers! I'll spray them with my trusty insect spray, so they'll know who's boss around this place!

  Spraying may get rid of those pests today, but in the long run, who suffers? You do. I do. We all do.

  To kill insects, pesticides obviously have to be powerful poisons. Manufacturing those poisons contaminates the environment. Once the poisons have been released from the can, they stay around and create health problems.

  For every dollar's worth of pesticide you spray, about seven dollars have to be spent to fix up the damage to human health and the environment.

  So let's not talk about gods appearing in dreams hundreds of years ago in faraway China. Let's talk about right here, right now.

  * If you eat dead animals' bodies, you are going to suffer: cancer, heart disease, kidney problems, and dozens of other sicknesses. Take your pick.

  * If you eat dead animals' bodies, you're going to have to spend a lot of money on doctors and medicine.

  * If you eat meat, or fish, or eggs, or dairy products, you're making a lot of animals suffer.

  * If you eat meat, you're hogging food supplies and starving hungry people.

  * If you eat meat or spray bugs, you're helping to destroy the environmentwe depend on for survival.

  Does that make sense? You should be able to accept these facts, even without a deeper discussion about the balance of the universe, or the universal laws we call the dharma.

  Killing animals is a crime against nature.

  "Lions and tigers kill things every day, don't they? Then killing's natural,isn't it?"

  Well, yes, but if you've never done this before, this might not be a bad time for you to examine yourself. Do you have a tail like a lion? Do you have stripes like a tiger? Do you have big, sharp fangs and vicious claws?

  No. What do you have? Intelligence, a lot of intelligence, so you can speak and read and write and reason, instead of just biting and scratching. You're supposed to use that intelligence to develop wisdom.

  If you look carefully at the history of the human race, you can see very clearly that we use our mental strength more and more and our physical strength less and less.
  If people thousands of years ago wanted to move a big boulder, they had to get a group together, and it was Yo-Heave- HO! until they managed to budge it.

  Later, when people had learned some basic physics, the boulder could be moved by one person who knew how to use a lever. But it still took a lot of grunting and sweating.

  Now, if we want to move that boulder, we have machines. If you know which buttons to push, you can move that boulder without using very much muscle power at all.

  This is because we use our minds, not just our bodies.

  In other words, our minds are getting more and more capable. This is good, but it's not enough. The end result of millions of years of struggling and evolution is not to spend our lifetimes digging stones or watching television or playing games.

  We are not wild beasts in the jungle any more, we are civilized, and we are supposed to act that way. As you grow up, you're supposed to outgrow your baby toys and tantrums; as the human race develops, we should leave behind our savage ways and develop our minds.

  Somebody says, "Yeah, but a lion is a big, strong, powerful animal. Isn't that great?"

  Is a lion very powerful? Have you ever heard of a lion that could roar as loud as a loudspeaker, run as far as a train, cut as deeply as a power saw, or strike as powerfully as a wrecking ball? These powerful tools are all the products of our intelligence. Human intelligence is more powerful than animal strength.

  We respect lions and tigers and porpoises and dogs and all animals. We honor their right to live, we esteem their contributions to the ecosystem, and we are full of compassion for them.

  A lion may have a strong body, and it may be very clever, but the tragedy of being a lion, or any animal, is that they are stupid. Oh, sure, they can communicate with one another, and they can be trained to do tricks, but they can not think very much, and they cannot concentrate, so they can never realize what the universe is all about.

  This is the vitally important mission for human beings, with our greater intelligence. We have to learn what we are, where we are, who we are. If we don't even know that, all our inventions and cities and monuments and science are meaningless.

  If we do not know where we are, what we are, and who we are, we cannot understand ourselves. We have to understand ourselves in order to realize what the universe is all about. Only then can we free ourselves from suffering.

  If you cannot understand yourself, you have to go through the cycle of living and dying and living and dying until you've got things straight. Life is full of so much suffering that sometimes we're too numb to even realize things could be better. The way to make things better is to build enough wisdom to realize what the universe is all about, and get out of the cycle of life and death.

  No animal can think hard enough to do that, and not even many people can. If you want to realize what the universe is all about, you have to work very hard to develop wisdom. Wisdom is the road to freedom. Freedom means freedom from suffering. To build wisdom, the first thing you have to do is stop making obstacles for yourself.

  To build wisdom, you need a strong body and a good mind.

  Remember the last time you were sick? You couldn't go to school, because you can't concentrate on your schoolwork when your body is sick. By the same token, if your body is not healthy, your mind will not be keen. A strong and healthy body is the basis for a strong and healthy mind.

  Exercise builds a strong and healthy body, but the fuel you put in your body is especially important.

  If you load your body down with dead animals, you're ruining your health. If you want to be healthy, you have to be a vegetarian.

  Another problem is that if you eat animals, you are breaking natural laws, and in the end you have to pay those animals back. It is easier not to break those laws in the first place, so you do not put a bunch of obstacles in your own path.

  But no matter how hard you work, it's more difficult to free yourself from suffering than it is to swim across the Pacific Ocean.

  That is why the Buddha Amitabha felt sorry for us and created the PureLand, or Western Paradise. In his Pure Land, you can build wisdom without the suffering that is so common on earth. If you ask to get in, Amitabha will take you there and train you so that you can become a Buddha, too.

  If you want to go there, recite Amitabha with all your heart and mind. When the time is right, he will come for you.

  Once you get there, you will be free from life and death. You will be able to study and learn. Then one day you can come back and help all the suffering creatures so they can become Buddhas, too.

  So here is our wish for you.
  We wish you happiness
  We wish you health, and
  We wish you wisdom!
 A M I T A B H A








  也不要为了食物而杀害动物。人们是天生的素食者。心脏病是美国人死亡的头号杀手。 国家心血肺研究所1989年发现,美国人每年要花费1510亿美元治疗心脏病!而医学早已证明了吃肉会造成心脏病,不只是吃牛羊肉,吃其他肉也会。






























  我知道应该拿这些提示怎么办! 用我最信赖的杀虫剂杀它们!这样它们才会知道谁才是这里的真正主人!






  * 如果你吃肉,你会花很多钱看病买药。

  * 如果你吃肉,鱼或者蛋类,或者奶制品,你会造成很多动物的痛苦。































{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

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