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The Greatest Secret In The World
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   If everyone had to pay a large amount of money to learn Lord Buddha's Pathway to happiness, it is very likely that very many persons would pay ever so gladly, in order to learn how to overcome ignorance and sorrow, and find the right road to Wisdom, Peace and Happiness. But there is no charge at all for teaching this plan for thought-ful living and, as a result, many foolish individuals think it of little value just because it is free. Thus it is that the Lord Buddha's Dharma remains a "secret" insofar as most people are concerned. Such individuals are their own enemies, because they are "trusting to luck" for happiness and peace of mind and heart.

  Quite often we see booklets on Buddhism printed for free distribution. Very many of these booklets are never read, just because they are free. Yet these little pamphlets and booklets contain the Master Plan of Life and if the teachings outlined in them were carefully studied and followed, the readers would reap enormous benefits. In this age in which we live we so often hear people say, "What am I going to get out of this?" Usually they refer to material benefits, such as money, position, health and so on. The answer to give to a person who wants to know what he can get from following Lord Buddha's teachings is, "You will have better health in both your mind and body, as a result of sensible living. You will even be more successful in business because of better thinking. You will gain peace of mind and calmness of heart—what more could any sane person wish?"

  Remember that this "greatest secret in the world" remains a 'secret' only because so many people are too thoughtless to gain for themselves "the treasure that is greater than all other treasures". They rob themselves. Our children who come to Dharma School are making the greatest of all studies: How to live well and happily.


  Lord Buddha found the Truth,
  That breaks the captive's chains,
  The Truth that gladdens hearts forlorn,
  And heals the sufferer's pain.

  Lord Buddha found the Light
  That scatters all our fear,
  And on the weary paths of night
  It sheds a gladdening cheer.

  Lord Buddha found the Way,
  The Holy Way of Peace,
  For all who tread the Eight Fold Path
  Shall find earth's sorrows cease.

  Lord Buddha found true Life,
  Immortal and sublime,
  And those who win the fight with self
  Shall find the Life Divine.

  Lord Buddha found the Goal,
  Nirvana's state most blest,
  And those who trust him as their guide,
  Will find eternal rest.

  - D. Hunt.



  1. Did Lord Buddha intend his teachings to be kept secret ?
  2. Are the Buddhist teachings meant to be sold?
  3. Where does Lord Buddha's Pathway lead us to?
  4. Why are some Buddhist pamphlets seldom read?
  5. What do we mean by "material benefits"?
  6. If we faithfully follow the Dharma, will our school work be better?
  7. How many kinds of treasures are there?
  8. Why are the Buddhist teachings "secret" to so many people?
  9. What study is the greatest of all?
  10. What gift is the greatest of all gifts?

{返回 Buddhism for Children 文集}

上一篇:The Teaching Of All Buddhas
下一篇:Filial Piety
 The Three Signs
 The Law Of Karma
 The Three Evils
 Our Duties Towards Others
 The Teaching Of All Buddhas
 A Buddhist Catechism
 The Wheel Of The Law
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