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Message from President of BAUS
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Message from President of BAUS

By  Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

When setting out on a journey to an unfamiliar destination, we need guidance—either a map or a GPS. When setting out on the journey of human life, we also need guidance. As Buddhist disciples, for us the most accurate GPS is the teaching of the Buddha.

But we can’t be content only with using the Dharma to guide ourselves. We are living at a critical time in human history when the future of humanity has become an open question. New technologies of war, the destructive chaos of financial capitalism, and the heating of the planet present us with collective challenges on a scale we have never faced before. As Buddhists it is necessary for us to expand our sense of responsibility so that we can face these problems head on.

To succeed in this task, we need not only technical expertise but meaningful values. We need values that place the well-being of human life above the quest for greater profits; we need ethics that exalt love and compassion above self-interest; we need the wisdom to see the long-term consequences of our policies and institutional arrangements.

The Buddha’s teachings provide us with resources we can draw upon to face these daunting challenges. It is your responsibility to learn these teachings and explore their potential applications in today’s world. If we don’t draw on the Dharma for guidelines to help change and transform the world, we aren’t making proper use of the teachings.

During this summer camp you will be learning how to live in ways that are truly beneficial to yourself and others. Take full dvantage of this precious opportunity. What you learn over the next few days will be of use to you for the rest of your years. It will help you to realize your fullest potentials as you move ahead in the great adventure of human life.

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上一篇:Two Styles of Insight Meditation
下一篇:Association With The Wise
 Giving Dignity to Life
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 Dhamma and Non-duality
 Purification of Mind
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