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当前栏目:[Bodhi Bhikkhu]文集

 Maha Kaccana - Master of Doctrinal Exposition 阅读:4114
 Nourishing The Roots - Essays on Buddhist Ethics 阅读:4364
 A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma 阅读:2056
 The Discourse on Right View - The Sammaditthi Sutta and its Commentary 阅读:2114
 The Living Message of the Dhammapada 阅读:3684
 The Lion’s Roar - Two Discourses of the Buddha 阅读:1909
 Going for Refuge & Taking the Precepts 阅读:2602
 Arahants, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas 阅读:1720
 A Buddhist Response to Contemporary Dilemmas of Human Existence 阅读:1778
 The Buddha and His Dhamma 阅读:1603
 A New Undertaking 阅读:1766
 Two Faces of the Dhamma 阅读:1495
 Vision and Routine 阅读:1532
 Purification of Mind 阅读:1666
 The Case for Study 阅读:1814
 Dhamma Without Rebirth? 阅读:1647
 Taking Stock of Oneself 阅读:1680
 The Balanced Way 阅读:1580
 A Look at the Kalama Sutta 阅读:1530
 A Statement of Conscience 阅读:1694

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