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当前栏目:[The Life of Buddha]文集

 Part One 20. Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha 阅读:2061
 Part Two 1. Trapusha and Bhallika 阅读:2105
 Part Two 2. The Buddha is Prepared to Preach the Doctrine 阅读:2143
 Part Two 3. The Buddha Leaves for Benares 阅读:2011
 Part Two 4. The Buddha Finds His Former Disciples 阅读:2093
 Part Two 5. The Story of the Hermit and the Hare 阅读:2174
 Part Two 6. The Story of Padmaka 阅读:2040
 Part Two 7. The Buddha at the Bamboo Grove 阅读:2082
 Part Two 8. Sariputra and Maudgalyayana 阅读:2049
 Part Two 9. The Buddha Pacifies the Malcontents of Rajagriha 阅读:2041
 Part Two 10. Suddhodana Sends Messengers to His Son 阅读:2048
 Part Two 11. The Story of the Crane and the Fish 阅读:2390
 Part Two 12. The Story of Visvantara 阅读:2066
 Part Two 13. The Story of Dharmapala 阅读:2104
 Part Two 14. Gopas Great Virtue 阅读:2132
 Part Two 15. Nanda Renounces Royalty 阅读:1978
 Part Two 16. The Buddha Leaves Kapilavastu 阅读:2013
 Part Two 17. Anathapindikas Offering 阅读:2012
 Part Two 18. The New Disciples 阅读:2108
 Part Two 19. Nandas Pride 阅读:1974

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